GET api/payouts/pending
A collection of payouts yet to be transferred to a member. This can be filtered by the member.
Request Information
URI Parameters
Query String: memberId={memberId}&recipientId={recipientId}&includeIneligible={includeIneligible}
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
memberId |
(deprecated) The unique ID of the member to whom the amount is owed. Opitonal. |
string |
None. |
recipientId |
The unique ID of the recpient to whom the amount is owed. Optional. |
string |
None. |
includeIneligible |
Includes payouts for ineligibile rewards based on eligiblity date dates in the future. Optional. |
boolean |
Default value is False |
Body Parameters
Response Information
Resource Description
[HTTP Status 200 - OK] A set of pending payouts
Type: PayoutPendingSet
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
payoutsPending |
A list of payoutPending objects. |
Collection of PayoutPending |
None. |
offset |
Starting index (0 based) of the elements in the set. |
integer |
None. |
total |
Total number of elements in the set. |
integer |
None. |
message |
The message provides more information about the results of the client's request. Review this field for error information. |
string |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "offset": 1, "total": 2, "message": "sample string 3", "payoutsPending": [ { "payoutId": "8f95c867-d943-4a1b-af78-e4bdc9226f17", "Description": "sample string 2", "rewardCount": 3, "amount": 4.0, "rewardsList": "sample string 5", "programId": "86351537-a8ff-48e2-a943-8eb0f117a085", "programName": "sample string 7", "memberId": "ac983098-2c84-4ecd-a67d-d3919fa0f874", "memberName": "sample string 9", "recipientId": "896ef3ed-0b07-4196-a536-8e1fce7d9b5c", "RecipientName": "sample string 11", "RecipientType": "sample string 12" }, { "payoutId": "8f95c867-d943-4a1b-af78-e4bdc9226f17", "Description": "sample string 2", "rewardCount": 3, "amount": 4.0, "rewardsList": "sample string 5", "programId": "86351537-a8ff-48e2-a943-8eb0f117a085", "programName": "sample string 7", "memberId": "ac983098-2c84-4ecd-a67d-d3919fa0f874", "memberName": "sample string 9", "recipientId": "896ef3ed-0b07-4196-a536-8e1fce7d9b5c", "RecipientName": "sample string 11", "RecipientType": "sample string 12" } ] }
application/xml, text/xml
<payoutsPendingSet xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <offset xmlns="">1</offset> <total xmlns="">2</total> <message xmlns="">sample string 3</message> <payoutsPending> <PayoutPending> <payoutId>8f95c867-d943-4a1b-af78-e4bdc9226f17</payoutId> <Description>sample string 2</Description> <rewardCount>3</rewardCount> <amount>4</amount> <rewardsList>sample string 5</rewardsList> <programId>86351537-a8ff-48e2-a943-8eb0f117a085</programId> <programName>sample string 7</programName> <memberId>ac983098-2c84-4ecd-a67d-d3919fa0f874</memberId> <memberName>sample string 9</memberName> <recipientId>896ef3ed-0b07-4196-a536-8e1fce7d9b5c</recipientId> <RecipientName>sample string 11</RecipientName> <RecipientType>sample string 12</RecipientType> </PayoutPending> <PayoutPending> <payoutId>8f95c867-d943-4a1b-af78-e4bdc9226f17</payoutId> <Description>sample string 2</Description> <rewardCount>3</rewardCount> <amount>4</amount> <rewardsList>sample string 5</rewardsList> <programId>86351537-a8ff-48e2-a943-8eb0f117a085</programId> <programName>sample string 7</programName> <memberId>ac983098-2c84-4ecd-a67d-d3919fa0f874</memberId> <memberName>sample string 9</memberName> <recipientId>896ef3ed-0b07-4196-a536-8e1fce7d9b5c</recipientId> <RecipientName>sample string 11</RecipientName> <RecipientType>sample string 12</RecipientType> </PayoutPending> </payoutsPending> </payoutsPendingSet>