POST api/members
Creates a new member and adds it to a referral program.
Request Information
URI Parameters
Query String: shouldSendEmail={shouldSendEmail}
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
shouldSendEmail |
Set the value to true if the member should get the program's welcome email. Optional. |
boolean |
Default value is False |
Body Parameters
A list of required structures containing information about the member to add to a referral program.
Type: NewMember
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
programId |
The ID of the referral program to which the member will be added. |
string |
Required |
firstName | string |
Required |
lastName |
Optional |
string |
None. |
string |
Required |
referralCode |
Optional |
string |
None. |
phone |
Phone |
string |
None. |
externalIdentifier |
An alternative ID provided to help link the member to relevant data in external systems. Optional. |
string |
None. |
dateOfBirth |
Optional |
date |
None. |
addressLine1 |
Optional |
string |
None. |
addressLine2 |
Optional |
string |
None. |
city |
Optional |
string |
None. |
countrySubdivision |
A subdivision of a country, such as a state or province. |
string |
None. |
country |
Optional |
string |
None. |
postalCode |
Optional |
string |
None. |
password |
Optional |
string |
None. |
disabledFlag |
This flag is set if the member is NOT enabled for use in referral programs. Optional. |
boolean |
None. |
payoutInfo |
Optional. |
MemberPayoutInfo |
None. |
customOption1Name |
Custom Option 1 Name. Optional. |
string |
None. |
customOption1Value |
Custom Option 1 Value. Optional. |
string |
None. |
customText1Name |
Custom Text 1 Name. Optional. |
string |
None. |
customText1Value |
Custom Text 1 Value. Optional. |
string |
None. |
customText2Name |
Custom Text 2 Name. Optional. |
string |
None. |
customText2Value |
Custom Text 2 Value. Optional. |
string |
None. |
customOverrideURL |
Custom Override URL. Optional. |
string |
None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "programId": "sample string 1", "firstName": "sample string 2", "lastName": "sample string 3", "email": "sample string 4", "referralCode": "sample string 5", "phone": "sample string 6", "externalIdentifier": "sample string 7", "dateOfBirth": "2025-03-28T11:29:59.2372591Z", "addressLine1": "sample string 8", "addressLine2": "sample string 9", "city": "sample string 10", "countrySubdivision": "sample string 11", "country": "sample string 12", "postalCode": "sample string 13", "password": "sample string 14", "disabledFlag": true, "payoutInfo": { "payoutType": "sample string 1", "useDefaultValues": true, "email": "sample string 3" }, "customOption1Name": "sample string 15", "customOption1Value": "sample string 16", "customText1Name": "sample string 17", "customText1Value": "sample string 18", "customText2Name": "sample string 19", "customText2Value": "sample string 20", "customOverrideURL": "sample string 21" }
application/xml, text/xml
<newMember xmlns:i=""> <addressLine1>sample string 8</addressLine1> <addressLine2>sample string 9</addressLine2> <city>sample string 10</city> <country>sample string 12</country> <countrySubdivision>sample string 11</countrySubdivision> <customOption1Name>sample string 15</customOption1Name> <customOption1Value>sample string 16</customOption1Value> <customOverrideURL>sample string 21</customOverrideURL> <customText1Name>sample string 17</customText1Name> <customText1Value>sample string 18</customText1Value> <customText2Name>sample string 19</customText2Name> <customText2Value>sample string 20</customText2Value> <dateOfBirth>2025-03-28T11:29:59.2372591+00:00</dateOfBirth> <disabledFlag>true</disabledFlag> <email>sample string 4</email> <externalIdentifier>sample string 7</externalIdentifier> <firstName>sample string 2</firstName> <lastName>sample string 3</lastName> <password>sample string 14</password> <payoutInfo> <email>sample string 3</email> <payoutType>sample string 1</payoutType> <useDefaultValues>true</useDefaultValues> </payoutInfo> <phone>sample string 6</phone> <postalCode>sample string 13</postalCode> <referralCode>sample string 5</referralCode> <programId>sample string 1</programId> </newMember>
Response Information
Resource Description
[HTTP Status 201 - Created]
Type: MemberConfirmation
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
member |
Structure containing details about the member. |
Member |
None. |
message |
The message provides more information about the results of the client's request. Review this field for error information. |
string |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "message": "sample string 1", "member": { "id": "60e811b5-e017-466f-86de-46e57b1fd9ae", "displayName": "sample string 1", "firstName": "sample string 2", "lastName": "sample string 3", "email": "sample string 4", "phone": "sample string 5", "externalIdentifier": "sample string 6", "dateOfBirth": "2025-03-28T11:29:59.2528869Z", "addressLine1": "sample string 7", "addressLine2": "sample string 8", "city": "sample string 9", "countrySubdivision": "sample string 10", "country": "sample string 11", "postalCode": "sample string 12", "disabledFlag": true, "disabledReason": "sample string 13", "customOverrideURL": "sample string 14", "payoutInfo": { "payoutType": "sample string 1", "useDefaultValues": true, "email": "sample string 3" }, "customOption1Name": "sample string 15", "customOption1Value": "sample string 16", "customText1Name": "sample string 17", "customText1Value": "sample string 18", "customText2Name": "sample string 19", "customText2Value": "sample string 20", "programId": "dcdf6967-958b-401f-ba4d-3bd612a2515f", "programTitle": "sample string 22", "programName": "sample string 23", "referralCode": "sample string 24", "referralUrl": "sample string 25", "memberUrl": "sample string 26", "emailShares": 27, "socialShares": 28, "views": 29, "referrals": 30, "lastShare": "2025-03-28T11:29:59.2685073Z", "referralsApproved": 31, "referralsQualified": 32, "referralsPending": 33, "referralsApprovedAmount": 34.0, "rewardsPendingAmount": 35.0, "rewardsIssuedAmount": 36.0, "rewardAmountTotal": 37.0, "rewards": 38, "createDt": "2025-03-28T11:29:59.2685073Z", "utmSource": "sample string 39", "utmMedium": "sample string 40", "utmCampaign": "sample string 41", "browserReferrerUrl": "sample string 42", "lastViewIPAddress": "sample string 43", "firstMemberShareDate": "2025-03-28T11:29:59.2685073Z", "firstMemberViewDate": "2025-03-28T11:29:59.2685073Z", "firstReferralViewDate": "2025-03-28T11:29:59.2685073Z", "lastReferralAddDate": "2025-03-28T11:29:59.2685073Z", "firstReferralAddDate": "2025-03-28T11:29:59.2685073Z", "lastMemberRewardAddDate": "2025-03-28T11:29:59.2685073Z", "firstMemberRewardAddDate": "2025-03-28T11:29:59.2685073Z", "activatedDate": "2025-03-28T11:29:59.2685073Z", "lastActiveDate": "2025-03-28T11:29:59.2685073Z", "status": "sample string 44" } }
application/xml, text/xml
<memberConfirmation xmlns:i=""> <message>sample string 1</message> <member> <id>60e811b5-e017-466f-86de-46e57b1fd9ae</id> <displayName>sample string 1</displayName> <firstName>sample string 2</firstName> <lastName>sample string 3</lastName> <email>sample string 4</email> <phone>sample string 5</phone> <externalIdentifier>sample string 6</externalIdentifier> <dateOfBirth>2025-03-28T11:29:59.2528869+00:00</dateOfBirth> <addressLine1>sample string 7</addressLine1> <addressLine2>sample string 8</addressLine2> <city>sample string 9</city> <countrySubdivision>sample string 10</countrySubdivision> <country>sample string 11</country> <postalCode>sample string 12</postalCode> <disabledFlag>true</disabledFlag> <disabledReason>sample string 13</disabledReason> <customOverrideURL>sample string 14</customOverrideURL> <payoutInfo> <email>sample string 3</email> <payoutType>sample string 1</payoutType> <useDefaultValues>true</useDefaultValues> </payoutInfo> <customOption1Name>sample string 15</customOption1Name> <customOption1Value>sample string 16</customOption1Value> <customText1Name>sample string 17</customText1Name> <customText1Value>sample string 18</customText1Value> <customText2Name>sample string 19</customText2Name> <customText2Value>sample string 20</customText2Value> <programId>dcdf6967-958b-401f-ba4d-3bd612a2515f</programId> <programTitle>sample string 22</programTitle> <programName>sample string 23</programName> <referralCode>sample string 24</referralCode> <referralUrl>sample string 25</referralUrl> <memberUrl>sample string 26</memberUrl> <emailShares>27</emailShares> <socialShares>28</socialShares> <views>29</views> <referrals>30</referrals> <lastShare>2025-03-28T11:29:59.2685073+00:00</lastShare> <referralsApproved>31</referralsApproved> <referralsQualified>32</referralsQualified> <referralsPending>33</referralsPending> <referralsApprovedAmount>34</referralsApprovedAmount> <rewardsPendingAmount>35</rewardsPendingAmount> <rewardsIssuedAmount>36</rewardsIssuedAmount> <rewardAmountTotal>37</rewardAmountTotal> <rewards>38</rewards> <createDt>2025-03-28T11:29:59.2685073+00:00</createDt> <utmSource>sample string 39</utmSource> <utmMedium>sample string 40</utmMedium> <utmCampaign>sample string 41</utmCampaign> <browserReferrerUrl>sample string 42</browserReferrerUrl> <lastViewIPAddress>sample string 43</lastViewIPAddress> <firstMemberShareDate>2025-03-28T11:29:59.2685073+00:00</firstMemberShareDate> <firstMemberViewDate>2025-03-28T11:29:59.2685073+00:00</firstMemberViewDate> <firstReferralViewDate>2025-03-28T11:29:59.2685073+00:00</firstReferralViewDate> <lastReferralAddDate>2025-03-28T11:29:59.2685073+00:00</lastReferralAddDate> <firstReferralAddDate>2025-03-28T11:29:59.2685073+00:00</firstReferralAddDate> <lastMemberRewardAddDate>2025-03-28T11:29:59.2685073+00:00</lastMemberRewardAddDate> <firstMemberRewardAddDate>2025-03-28T11:29:59.2685073+00:00</firstMemberRewardAddDate> <activatedDate>2025-03-28T11:29:59.2685073+00:00</activatedDate> <lastActiveDate>2025-03-28T11:29:59.2685073+00:00</lastActiveDate> <status>sample string 44</status> </member> </memberConfirmation>